Wednesday, September 3, 2008

VP Pick too busy to be a mother!

It has been a while since I have wrote, and I apologize.
Lets tackle the issues now..

Sarah Palin, pro life Governor of Alaska, and the new VP pick for the McCain Campaign. Ok, so she is pro life. Whatever, that isn't going to win her any brownie points. She is the mother of a 17 year old, underage drinking, knocked up, out of marriage, teen. So much for that abstinence only education huh? Maybe if you spent more time actually being a mother and a wife instead of someone who you aren't, your 17 year old wouldn't be knocked up by a boy who's only priority is playing hockey.
He doesn't want to marry Bristol, he is being forced into it by everyone around him because it is the "right" thing for him to do. He doesn't want any children, but because of your pro life stance and brainwashing of your minor children, your daughter won't abort, when in reality it is probably the best thing for everyone involved.

Now to bring this Bastard Baby Daddy to the Republican National Convention as part of your "family" to try and do damage control, is not a smart move on the part of the McCain Campaign. I think everyone in the GOP and Republican party needs to realize is your bid for the Presidency is now over.

You tried to fool women into voting for McCain/Palin but you don't realize that women in this country is not going to vote for a....
*Pro Life
*Failed Parent
*NRA Supporting

Alaskan nut with NO EXPERIENCE!
So what if she is a woman? She is as misogynistic as the Bush Administration.
She needs to go back to Alaska and continue to ruin that state and stay out of National politics because she has only made herself look stupid.